How To Choose The Right Carpet For Your Pets

Posted on: 10 February 2023

Homeowners often choose carpet over hardwood floors when they prefer the soft and comfortable feeling of carpet. But if you're an animal lover and own several pets, you might struggle to keep your carpet clean. The best carpet for a household filled with pets is also comfortable and very durable.

How a Pet Can Stain a Carpet

Your dog can stain your carpet by:

  • Peeing on the carpet
  • Leaving feces behind
  • Tracking mud inside

While most cats use a litter box, they can sometimes soil the carpet. Cats also sometimes vomit on the carpet and can stain it.


No carpets are stain-proof, but certain carpet brands are pretty stain-resistant. When you install a stain-resistant carpet, the manufacturer will provide instructions on how to clean up stains. Doing so will allow you to protect your carpet from all but the worst staining agents. If your dog soils the carpet, clean up the mess quickly and use the right cleaning products as instructed by the carpet seller.

Stain-resistant carpets have protective coatings that cause staining agents to wash off more easily. Some carpets also use fibers that do not absorb liquids. So, you can rinse urine off with water alone. Some threads are synthetic but feel like natural carpet fibers.

The Color of the Carpet

With stain-resistant carpets, you can choose any color you want. You no longer have to choose a darker carpet color that hides stains. Instead, you can focus on a color that matches the walls and furniture in your home.

Carpet Durability

The durability of your carpet affects how well it resists wear and tear. You especially need a durable carpeted floor if you have a cat that enjoys clawing at it. Any pet can damage the carpet if it enjoys running around the house.

Typically, a durable carpet is not also soft. However, some carpet manufacturers have figured out how to create comfy and durable carpets so that your puppy's nails won't tear them. Nylon is a durable carpet material, and using several nylon strands will make the fibers feel soft.

Some Pet-Resistant Carpets Come with a Full Warranty

If the carpet vendor offers a warranty, they are so confident in their carpet that they will replace it if stained by your pets. Make sure to learn about the warranty guidelines so you can make sure that your carpet is fully covered. Then, you won't have to worry about your pets ruining your carpet.

To learn more, contact a professional carpet flooring service in your area.
